
Together with other glasshouse growers we keep our feet dry

We do this by using Rainlevelr, together with many other participating glasshouse growers we make space in our rainwater basin or silo when a heavy downpour is predicted. This reduces the risk of flooding and water damage in the future. We do this for the environment in which we operate but also for ourselves. We are now using the Rainlevelr at our newly built location Oranjeveld.

How does Rainlevelr work?

Hoogheemraadschap van Delfland informs participants about the forecasts for rain and lets them know when more space is needed. They send a text message to all the participants. Hoogheemraadschap Delfland requests participants to drain some of the rainwater into nearby ditches. This is done on a voluntary basis. Because everyone connected with Rainlevelr collects a fraction of the downpour, each glasshouse grower has a limited risk of water shortage should the downpour not occur. Hoogheemraadschap Delfland removes the water during the pre-milling of polders prior to a heavy downpour.

The Dutch climate is changing, with heavier rainfall but also periods of prolonged extreme drought. There are several ways to deal with this. To prevent a shortage of water, we collect rainwater. We do this by collecting water that falls on the roof but also by placing larger rainwater basins. We also made this choice at our newly build location in Oranjeveld. And now Rainlevelr is also a way to reduce flooding by making preventive space for heavy rainfall. Better to prevent than to cure!

As a sector we must be ready for the future, and we must do it together. When more growers join Rainlevelr the risk remains minimal for all participants.